Our New Ad: Closing Argument
Election Day is almost here. My team and I are working around the clock right now to get the word out about my vision for a more affordable Nashville.
Check out our new TV ad – we want to let people know more about my experience and why I stand out in a race with 11 candidates. We have to reach as many people as possible before August 3rd – please share far and wide.
One Proven
I have made a policy pledge to create more affordable housing in Nashville, where housing has become increasingly expensive. We’re facing a crisis for seniors, the folks who helped build this city, and for young people who will help build our future.
We just released our latest ad, One Proven, to tell people about my plan to help solve our affordable housing challenge. Share it with friends and family.
Hope & Worry
Nashville parents are thinking about school safety, like never before. As the new school year approaches, we will be feeling both hopeful and worried. I believe we can make Metro Nashville Public Schools the best public school system in America — but we can only have the best schools if we have the safest schools.
Keeping Nashville schools safe is very personal. I am not only a MNPS graduate myself, but I served on the PTO at Hillsboro High School where my oldest son graduated last year. I know that it’s necessary for the Mayor’s Office to focus on keeping our kids and teachers safe so that they have the opportunity to learn, instruct, and thrive.
First Day
Our daughter will be starting kindergarten at Metro Nashville Public Schools in August, so the future of our public schools is very personal for Crissy and me. We want to make sure every student in our city has the opportunity to attend a truly great public school.
We sharing a new television ad focused on public education. Our schools can be the best in the country, if we just invest in them — for our students, our teachers, and our future. Watch the ad and let us know what you think!
Back to Basics
I got into this race ten months ago because as I looked around Nashville, I saw that a lot wasn’t working right for the people of our city. The cost of housing was far too expensive and the city wasn’t getting basic things done, like picking up the trash on time.
Our new television ad focuses on getting back to basics. We’re facing a lot of major challenges as a city, but we’ve got to get the basics right. Fill the potholes. Pick up the trash.
Why I’m running for mayor
I love Nashville. I grew up in this city, I’m raising my family here, and I care deeply about Nashville’s future. I’m an optimist and am confident that our city’s best days are ahead of us.
But we have a lot of work to do to make it a place that works for everyone who lives here. We have what it takes to keep Nashville’s character intact while improving the city services that we rely on. I believe that if we have leadership that listens and collaborates with the community, the sky’s the limit.
Let’s start creating the Nashville of our – and our kids’ – dreams.
Nashville’s future isn’t political to me, It’s personal.
We’re so excited to share our first ad with you. It’s called “Personal Future,” And it will air this Sunday during the Puppy Bowl and the Super Bowl pregame show.
Our campaign continues to build incredible momentum. I’ve had conversations with thousands of Davidson County voters and now we’re taking the campaigning to the next level.
Let’s do this!